Iron Gall Ink Challenges: History and Conservation of a disapearing Cultural Heritage

IronIC – Iron Gall Ink Challenges

O que esconde a tinta ferrogálica usada em manuscritos portugueses dos séculos XVI e XVII?
Analytical investigation on the writing ink of Codex 99 from Manizola collection

A preliminary study on iron gall inks in historical manuscripts

Conservation practices of document heritage

An analyical approach to investigate blotting sands from portuguese manuscripts

The use of IBA techniques to study iron gall inks. What more can we get?

– A materialidade dos documentos. Que denunciam os processos de secagem das tintas (séc. XVI-XVIII)?
– Não há nada oculto que não seja trazido à luz. O que esconde a tinta ferrogálica na Orthographia Pratica de Varias Letras

An exploratory study on the blotting materials used in the Portuguese monastic scriptoria during the Early Modern period

Arena scriptoria from the Portuguese Inquisition documents – occurrence, properties, and chemical aspects of this writing tool

Revealing iron gall ink in a 17th century Portuguese Jesuit manuscript through microscopic, spectroscopic and X-ray fluorescence techniques

A nanoscale approach for a largescale challenge – POM-ILs as promising candidates to limit iron-gall ink effects on paper supports

A multi-instrumental approach for studying the writing ink of a 17th-century Portuguese Codex